Slow 'N' Spicy is a signature cocktail developed by our head mixologist Christopher especially for the gin Distilled Slow Sloe.
Despite the name Slow ’N’ Spicy this fabulous drink is fast and easy to make.
The tart, sweet, fruity and almond-like notes of our Distilled Slow Sloe gin are complemented by the spicy taste of the ginger and chilli soda by Fatdane. As an untraditional garnish, we use lemon cocktail pearls that balance the cocktail with fresh acidity together with the bubbles from the soda. All together, they bring a fruity and spicy sensation to a cold autumn evening.
Follow the cocktail recipe in the video below and enjoy this aromatic cocktail!
1. Fill the glass with ice.
2. Pour gin and soda into the glass.
3. Add a spoonful of lemon cocktail pearls. Gently stir the cocktail.
Slow Sloe both builds on and challenges the proud British sloe gin traditions. Whole sloe berries and a small amount of blackberries is infused in the gin for 9 - 12 months before it is sweetened with honey from Njord’s distillery garden and bottled. The result is a gin with lots of fruit and intense notes of almond and marzipan from the kernels entwined with floral notes that partly come from the honey.
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